Coalition campaigns for solar power in 8
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Coalition campaigns for solar power in 8

Jul 16, 2023


Solarize Green Country is an initiative to make solar energy and battery storage more affordable and accessible for homeowners, business owners and nonprofits in the Green Country region.

The campaign began in April and is encouraging Tulsans to have their property evaluated for solar panels. Those whose property qualifies have the opportunity to purchase solar power panels and battery storage at crowdsourced prices. The coalition engaged Solar Power of Oklahoma, an Oklahoma City-based solar company.

“We vetted all this. We have a supplier with really good financials and a supply chain that is excellent with highly trained technicians,” campaign organizer Gary

Allison says. “The best part is that they’ll tell you if it won’t work on your home or site.”

Sept. 30 is the final day to ask for a free property evaluation. Visit solarizegreen to request an appointment, learn about this public/private partnership and more.


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Gary AllisonKeep it Clean.PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.Don't Threaten.Be Truthful.Be Nice.Be Proactive.Share with Us.